Your name is an important part of the marketing process, as well as how people will identify you. You will use it as a face for the band on your various merchandise from music to clothes. It can be hard to come up with one that seems unique with all of the bands trying to make it in the world, but once you have one there a couple things you should do. First, copyright the name. You don't want to lose it, and this will guarantee you stay original. Second, if you have a website, and I strongly recommend that you do, buy the necessary webspace to make sure only you have that domain name. For example, if you own, you should also buy, .edu, etc. You want to make sure that anyone who tries to use your name to filter people to their site and away from yours won't be able to. Also, you want to make sure if someone does go to the wrong site they will be re-directed to the right one.
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